How to Buy & Care For Your Vintage Fur April 19 2022
Vintage Fur- as much as it pains me to say it, the season for vintage fur coats, stoles, wraps etc. will be here before we know it (eek). Hopefully at this point in the year, your vintage furs have all been properly stored away—but if not, here are some tips to ensure you are doing everything you can to preserve those vintage pieces (and maybe next season you’ll get around to putting them away in the spring). If storing your furs professionally is not an option (and let’s face it, it’s not an option for many of us because of where we live or the cost associated with it), home storage is another great avenue. The only real downside of storing your furs at home (it’s super close by! it’s free!) is that without some serious, serious dedication (I’m talking an entire temperature-controlled room), the temperature/humidity conditions will never be perfect. But who needs perfect, anyway, we can help you get pretty darn close.
Here are some ways on how to store your vintage furs in your wardrobe:
*Finding an area without direct sunlight or high humidity (definitely avoid damp basements)—spare bedrooms or otherwise-empty closets are a good choice, as long as they don’t get too hot.
*Hang those furs on good quality hangers (avoid those awful metal ones that you get back from the dry cleaners at all costs!)
*Cover them with some sort of cotton—a sheet, fabric garment bags, etc. Cotton is breathable, and goodness knows those furs need to breathe.
*Plastic garment bags = NO.
*Keep an eye out for bugs—moths are worst enemies with vintage clothing, especially fur!
Now that you know how to store fur, what the should you be looking for when you buy vintage pieces?
*The first thing I always do when encountering any fur is to gently pull on the fur in a few places, and look to see if any hairs shed off in your hand. While some furs are relatively prone to shedding (like rabbit), most should hold firm—if fibers come off in your hand, it’s an indication of improper storage, and is irreversible.
*look for in any stains on the lining, holes, worn spots, etc. Furs are different than most clothing in that a tear cannot be easily fixed—keep that in mind.
*Pay attention to the leather below the vintage fur, as well—is it brittle? Is dust coming off?
Wearing and buying vintage fur is a highly individual choice—and lucky for you, Rice and Beans Vintage has you covered either way! Have you seen the vintage ocelot fur jacket we’ve got? Did you get a peek at the Prada colored faux fur stoles before they sold? Love! Want! No matter the preference (real or faux), no matter the occasion (night on the town or trip to the grocery store), fur weather will be here before you know it—better start the search for the perfect piece now!